A Wish In the Sea
A downloadable soundtrack
Made for Lone Rabbit's OST Composing Jam #5.
This is one of my first ever OSTs and I'm excited for people to hear it! The genre is electronic-esque, made using REAPER and Chuck.
The wonderful art used for the album cover is by my awesome sister @loch_nload on twitter! Please be sure to check out her art after you've listened!
~Story and track commentary ~
Our protagonist reminisces about their old love and wonders what ever happened to them. After seeing a meteor shower, they make a wish to see their true love once more, and depart on their old boat. However disaster strikes soon after leaving them shipwrecked and lost.
1. My Only Wish
A reminiscent track, about the good ol' times the protagonist and their lover had, if only he could make a wish and see them one more time...
This piece wasn't originally meant to be a menu theme, but it is now! It's the first track I wrote so I guess it gets to go first.
2. Searching for you in the sea SIDE A
Finding some old stuff of their love's tucked away, the protagonist decides that they won't wait anymore, and out to sea they depart.
This piece uses samples from youtube's audio library (specifically the ocean noises), I was really happy with how this turned out, but I wanted it to be longer hence why there is a second version later on the list :)
3. Meteor Shower
A beautiful event on the calm ocean.
I took the some of the arpeggiator sequences from the first track, and chucked them into a granular synth thingy I made in chuck (chucked into chuck you could say). Its just a short track that I thought gave of the twinkling stars vibe the prompt image had.
4. Disastrous Twist
The weather takes a turn for the worst and our protagonist finds themselves in the midst of a terrible typhoon! Tension is rising, heartbeat starting to race, the anxiousness grows.
I get stressed pretty easily, so I wasn't sure if this track gave off a really anxious vibe, or if it was just me... Regardless I'm pretty happy with this track too. This piece also uses samples from youtube's audio library
5. A Strange Place
As the ocean waves settle, a gentle breeze passes over, the protagonist awakes, shipwrecked on a strange island.
Felt like I needed a goofy track and found a funky sounding drum in my house. What more can I say.
6. Stars in the Forest at night
Maybe the island isn't so strange, it's quite calming actually, maybe people could even live here? Looking up at the stars the protagonist remembers the wish they made, and continues on their journey once more. This piece also uses samples from youtube's audio library
7. Searching for you in the sea SIDE B
After exploring the Island for at bit, our protagonist stumbles upon a fishing village. The villages all help the protagonist back on their feet, and even invite them fishing. The villages ask how they came to be on this Island, in reply our protagonist says 'I'm looking for someone'. While helping out one day, Our protagonist spots the most beautiful person they've seen! It's none other than-
'Searching for you in the sea ~ True ending' is what I originally wanted to call this track but it felt a bit too long so I just made it SIDE A and SIDE B like on cassettes or vinyl.
8. Finale
Reunited at last.
I felt like I needed to squeeze out one more track that resolved the whole thing and managed to make this in my slightly sleep deprived state. I do wish I made it a bit longer, but its a good ending to this story for a non existent game.
Status | Released |
Category | Soundtrack |
Author | BBBrezel |
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